Molly's Cheesy Turkey Stew

Ahh, this recipe. I found its original incarnation on Taste of Home online, but what I make is so very far removed from what was listed in the original, it's really become "my" recipe by now. This recipe marks my first attempt to cook something from a recipe I'd found online. Before this, I'd always just made stuff my mom had made while I was growing up, or stuff I'd made with my mom there to help me out. I've come quite a ways since then!

Molly's Cheesy Turkey Stew

1 lb ground turkey or chicken
1 medium onion, coarse-chopped
3 cups chicken broth (or 3 cubs bouillon and 3 cups water)
3 good-size red potatoes, sliced 1/2" thick, then quartered
4 carrots, and cut into 1/4-1/8" coins
3 stalks celery, chopped
1 heaping teaspoon diced garlic
2 cups milk + 1/2 cup milk
5 or so shakes black pepper
1 really healthy shake red Cayenne pepper
7 slices American cheese
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
3 tbsp corn starch

• Chop up onion and put it, the garlic, and the ground meat into a pan over medium heat.
• While that's cooking, start chopping up the potatoes, carrots, and celery. If you're making broth using water and bouillon, get that going in the microwave.
• When the meat's mostly cooked, drain off the fat.
• Add chicken broth, carrots, potatoes, and celery.
• Bring to a boil, cooking until the carrots are tender.
• Add in 2 cups milk. Soymilk kinda mostly works here, but cowmilk is better. I use 2%, but skim would most likely work too.
• Add black and red peppers. Stir, then let it come to a boil.
• While you're waiting for that to come to a boil, shred your cheddar cheese.
• Add the cheddar and American cheeses, stirring until it's smooth.
• Turn down the heat if it's boiling too merrily.
• In a cereal bowl, combine corn starch and 1/2 cup milk until smooth.
• Add that to the stew. That will thicken it beautifully.

You can serve it straight away, but I usually let mine sit for at least 5 minutes so that the cheese can really get into the meat or something - I'm not sure what, but it tastes more "done" if you let it sit and soak in itself. Probably a good idea to turn the heat off under it if you're going to let it sit. Don't worry, it'll stay plenty hot.

Also, a note about American cheese: Yes, I know it's artificial. Yes, I know most food snobs think it's crap. But you know what, it's crap that I grew up eating and I rather like the taste of it. In this recipe, it adds a creaminess and a flavor that I like. If you don't like American cheese, that's fine - increase your cheddar or add in some Monterrey Jack or something in its place. But don't tease me for liking American cheese. I'm sure there's something god-awful unhealthy out there that you like just as much as I like my plastic cheese. ;)


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