Greens 'n Beans 'n Eggs 'n Toast

You know how there are some nights where you're just like "f*ck everything, I don't want to cook," but the very thought of ordering out makes you writhe with unbearable guilt? Yeah, that was today. In my defense, I had to drive today. Like, for over an hour and a half, total. And I had to talk to people. People who aren't students. And that stresses me out.

Ordering pizza stresses me out, too, so I decided to not do that. Instead, I looked at this recipe sideways for a couple of minutes, then came downstairs (I'd been upstairs looking at imgur and buzzfeed and trying not to order pizza while also avoiding having a bath because driving is scary and Castle Overlord is safe) and made a bastard version that tasted really, really good and had the side-benefit of being really good for us.

That's just the best. And I get to bike tomorrow. That's even better.

Greens 'n Beans 'n Eggs 'n Toast

1 small yellow onion (or half a big yellow onion), diced
14-20 oz red kidney beans, undrained OR drained, rinsed, put back in the tin, then surrounded by water (as if you'd not drained and rinsed them, does that even make sense?)
2 cups frozen spinach
3/4 cup vegetable broth (3/4 cup water + 1 scant tsp veggie bouillon)
Gratuitous amounts of black pepper

1ish tbsp olive oil
2 eggs

1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese
Hot sauce (Frank's, I put that sh*t on everything)
Probably more black pepper
4 slices bread to toast. We use sourdough and you should, too. This can be omitted if you're attempting a low-carb diet or have tragically run out of sourdough. These things happen.

- Dice your onion. It can be coarse-diced and uneven; don't work too hard.
- Combine onion, kidney beans, spinach, broth, and black pepper in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.
- Stir it 'til all the ingredients are wet.
- Ignore it for 20 minutes, stirring whenever you remember it's a thing that's happening.

- When the 20 minutes are up, take the pan off the heat.
- Start making the toast.

- In a small skillet, heat the olive oil.
- Crack the two eggs into the pan.
- Add a splash of water - like a generous tablespoon of water, no more.
- Drop a lid over the pan. Keep the heat under it. This'll make the water evaporate and steam-cook the eggs (magic!).

- While the eggs are cooking, serve the stew into two cereal bowls.
- Serve the eggs over the two servings of veggies.
- Top with parmesan cheese, pepper, and hot sauce.

I paired mine with beer, but honestly, I think something nice like soymilk might be a better choice, mostly because carbonation + bean dish just seems like a recipe for disaster. We'll know in a few hours, I guess.


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