Mos Eisley Roasted Vegetables

It's all fun and games until someone gets their arm chopped off.

Mos Eisley Roasted Vegetables

1/2 lb (15, yes I counted) frozen Brussels sprouts
1 large carrot
1 large or 2 small parsnips
2 tsp olive oil
1/4 tsp coarse salt
Gratuitous black pepper

- Preheat oven to 425*F.

- In a small mixing bowl, microwave the Brussels sprouts for a minute or two.
- Cut the carrot into 1" pieces, halving the pieces where the carrot's thick (so you only have cylinders that are no bigger around than a marker, maybe).
- Do the same for the parsnip.
- Halve each of the Brussels sprouts, once they're out of the microwave.

- Dump all of the veggies into the mixing bowl with the oil, salt, and pepper.
- Toss with a rubber spatula until everything's all even-coated 'n stuff.
- Arrange on a silpat on a baking sheet, turning the Brussels sprouts so that they're cut-side up.

- Bake 40-50 minutes or until the Brussels sprouts are roasted as much as you like (I am of the opinion that "almost burnt" is just right, but no one else agrees with me).

This makes a good little side-dish for two people. When I'm feeling lazy and just want veggies for dinner, I'll make an entire pound of Brussels sprouts, 3-4 big carrots, and an entire bag of parsnips. Paired with a hard-boiled egg or some roasted mushrooms and a big glass of wine on the side (who am I kidding, you know it's a mug of warm milk), this is comfort food for weirdos like me.


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