Hold My Beer (Bread)

I don't get why this bread works.  Really, I don't.  Isn't bread supposed to be a huge pain in the ass to make?  Like, fiddly and time-consuming and frustrating?  Always has been for me when I've made yeast breads.

Not so with this one.  This is a throw-it-together-and-forget-about-it-while-it-bakes exercise in laziness and gluttony and it is amazing.

Must be tasted to be believed, and believe you me, you'll want to make another loaf as soon as the first one is gone (which won't take long; this stuff is good).

Hold My Beer (Bread)

3 cups all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled, or sifted if you're feeling fancy)
1 Tbsp baking powder
2 Tbsp white sugar
1/4 tsp salt

12 oz liquid (see note below)*

4 Tbsp butter (1/2 stick; 1/4 cup), plus some to butter the pan

  1. Preheat oven to 375*F.
  2. Liberally butter the bottom and sides of a 9.5" x 5" bread loaf pan.
  3. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients.
  4. Add whatever liquid you're going for (again, see note below)* and mix it with a spatula until combined.
  5. Dump that into the loaf pan.
  6. Melt your 4 Tbsp butter and pour it over the bread dough, shaking the pan a little so make sure it drips down the sides of the dough a little.
  7. Bake 60-65 minutes or until the top is browned.
  8. Remove from oven and let sit at least 10 minutes.
  9. Loosen the sides, as needed, and remove from pan.
  10. Serve slices warm.

*Note:  This is traditionally a beer bread, and truthfully, making it with a good bitter IPA (which I wouldn't drink, ew yuck) is still my favorite way to go.  However!  There are options for creativity here, and they're just about endless.  Your options are:
  • Beer.  Soooo many beers.  Try all the different flavors and types, and you'll find you'll get a variety of breads!
  • Apple cider.  I loved this one!  For apple cider bread (not hard apple cider, just the normal stuff kids drink), reduce the sugar to 1 Tbsp and add 1 tsp cinnamon.
  • Root beer.  Omit the sugar completely for this one!
  • Orange soda.  Omit the sugar completely for this one, too.
  • Ginger ale.  I'll admit, I haven't tried this one yet, but when I do, I plan to add a Tbsp of pulverized ginger root to it.
  • And probably many, many more.  I'll update as I explore!


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