Katsudon is a popular Japanese dish that consists of a deep-fried pork cutlet (tonkatsu) served over rice, topped with egg and onion that have been prepared in a sweet and savory sauce. It was the first meal I had in Japan, years ago, and is one of my all-time favorites to this day. This recipe is that recipe's bastard child, born of a Japanese heritage, but raised right here in good ol' US of A. Mostly, it's katsudon made to my digestive needs and our American taste buds' preferences, but it's tasty and we like it, so there's that. Katsudoff/Katsudon't Ingredients Rice 1 cup rice (dry measure) Meats 1ish lb boneless skinless chicken thighs or turkey cutlets (thighs are a pain to trim, but they're WORTH IT) 1/3ish cup flour (we use whole wheat because that's what we have around the house) 2 eggs (you will need extra eggs for serving) Black pepper to taste (use a lot, mmm) 2/3ish cup bread crumbs (we use Italian seasoned, you should pr...