
Showing posts from June, 2018

Eat Your Veggies Japanese Curry

Japanese curry is one of those comfort foods that tastes and feels good all year 'round, no matter the weather or your stomach or ... anything, really.  This is my favorite way to prepare it, with plenty of vegetables and some nice scrambled eggs for texture.  Doubling the recipe is super easy, and it makes fantastic leftovers for work-nights that aren't otherwise conducive to cooking. My sense of humor's napping right now, so no jokes here.  Just good comfort food. Eat Your Veggies Japanese Curry Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 3-4 large carrots 3 medium yellow potatoes 2 medium onions 1 lb frozen brussels sprouts, halved 3 cups water 4.25 oz instant Japanese curry sauce (I use Golden brand) 15 oz coconut milk Dash red pepper flakes 3 cups frozen spinach 6 eggs 1 tbsp olive oil Sliced bread for toasting Instructions Heat oil in a big ol' soup pot. Cut up carrots into 1/4"-1/2" pieces. Toss them into the pot and stir them around, then...

So Beautiful or So What Gumbo

This recipe is lifted pretty much wholesale from John's blog , but I've posted it here for two THREE reasons: 1. He doesn't put okra in his gumbo, which is ridiculous (in my opinion), and since it's not in his recipe, I nearly forget it every time; and 2. He doesn't have the instructions written down. Anywhere. You have to watch the video to get the cook-times and order of additions. 3. His ingredients aren't listed in the order you use them. Of all my massive, enormous, RAGING pet-peeves when it comes to recipe-writing, THIS IS PROBABLY THE BIGGEST. I'm sure the whole watch-the-video-every-time thing does wonders for jacking up his hit-counter on YouTube, but it also does wonders for jacking up my cooking, which considering how often I cook this after a full day of work and too many miles of bike-commuting, is not cool, dude. Not cool at all. So here it is, Chef John's chicken and sausage gumbo, which I learned to cook because o...