Sweet Potato Pie Puffs
I love puns. They're the perfect joke -- groan-worthy, too quick for the unsuspecting to dodge them, delightfully cheesy. And puns that go along with food are even better! No one can complain all that much about them without running the risk of not getting any food, and no one in their right mind is going to run that risk, so. I bring this up because this particular recipe was the final course of a meal that consisted of: Potato soup Roasted carrots and parsnips (& other veggies) Root beer bread Ginger ale (the good stuff from Trader Joe's, mmm) Sweet potato pie puffs for dessert Each dish involves a root vegetable, so I called the meal " Root Access ." So far, I've gotten two groans and a good handful of "oh god that's so good I hate it" responses from the peanut gallery, which I'm counting as a complete win. You don't have to make these as part of a Root Access meal, but they're super good with it. Highly re...