Burn Your Face Down Totchos

So imagine that it's two o'clock in the morning, you've been asleep on your beanbag chair for four hours, but you showered (because you were a greasy pile of gross) before getting into your proper bed, which means you're now too awake to go to sleep and too sleepy to get up and do something productive. What do you do to help yourself fall asleep? Surf buzzfeed or imgur? Read the BBC until you're so depressed that you go to sleep to get away from it?

No. You go online and find recipes for stuff that looks way too delicious for 3am (it's been an hour, congratulations), then sleep for six more hours while your brain OBSESSES over the recipes you've just found so that when you wake up, these recipes are the ONLY thing you can think about. You'll think about it all day, eventually making a special stop to the grocery so you can make them.

This is one of those recipes. It's absolutely delicious, and made even better by the fact that my dear partner wasn't at all enthusiastic about it ("Eww, tatertots and raw tomatoes, that's nasty"), then vacuumed up his dinner and said he wanted me make it again. That, my friends, is  a flawless victory.

Burn Your Face Down Totchos

2 generous cups' frozen tatertots
2 medium tomatoes
1/2 small red onion
1 4-oz can sliced jalapeno peppers
1  tbsp lime juice
Pinch of salt
Several shakes dry cilantro (maybe 1/2 tsp?)
1/2 cup shredded Mexican blend cheese
Plain non-fat yogurt for serving

- Preheat oven/toaster oven to 450*F. When it's preheated, put the tatertots in and bake them for 15 minutes.
- While that's working on heating up, start making the salsa:

- Chop up the tomatoes and onion into 1/4" small pieces.
- Drain the jalapenos, then chop them up as small as you can manage. Big chunks of jalapeno are literally uncool in this mix.
- Combine onion, tomato, and jalapenos into a small mixing bowl-size dish that has a lid. You'll want to be able to store the leftovers easily.
- Add lime juice, pinch of salt, and cilantro, then mix well. Set aside.

- Once the tatertots are baked, serve them out into two cereal bowls.
- Top with 1/4 cup cheese each. We're the kind of Philistines that then put the bowls into the microwave for 30 seconds so that the cheese'll melt. You can, too.
- Top that with a few generous spoonfuls of that tasty salsa you made.
- Top that with a few spoonfuls of yogurt.

Keep the salsa and yogurt handy - you'll want to layer your taters up as you go. Also, beware those chunks of jalapeno if you're drinking something carbonated. It will burn like hellfire. Enjoy!


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