Garlic Pizza Crust Times Three
This winter - 2015 - has been an absolute pile of bullshit. We've gotten nearly 10' of snow (that's 3 meters for those of you not in the U.S.), today it happens to be 36*F and raining, and tonight it'll be 5*F and stupid. Guess what that means: ice for tomorrow's walk to and from the bus. BULLSHIT I TELL YOU. Currently, my long-suffering partner is outside hammering ice off our now-leaking porch roof. It's his turn to do this nonsense - I spent my day yesterday roof-raking 3' of snow off the top roof, then shoveling it off the kitchen roof, and attacking ice-dams with roof-melt packed into the legs of ladies' stockings. These are all things I'd never've guessed were things one could do until this year. BULLSHIT I TELL YOU. To make my partner's life suck a little bit less, I made him some delicious green lentil soup for lunch, and for dinner, I'm making pizza. I'm even going to fry up some chicken sausage for his half of the pizz...