Alderaan is Aldergone, Pumpkin (pie)

A few points of interest here (read: personal fan-theory incoming):

  • Vader is so blinded by Leia's gender and political position when she's his prisoner that he doesn't notice she's his daughter. He can sense it through the Force, though, whether he consciously recognizes it or not;
  • This explains why he is so adamant about keeping her alive on the Death Star;
  • When she screams What? and tries to go after Grand Moff Tarkin (I'm going to just assume she was going to claw out his eyes), Vader restrains her with one hand on her shoulder. That is the closest Leia Organa ever gets to a hug from her biological father;
  • All of this is probably going through Vader's mind as he watches his son tortured by the Emperor, years later, just after learning that he's got a daughter, not just a son;
  • He turns on the Emperor to save his daughter, not his son, because whatever, Luke had some training and could - for better or worse - take care of himself (kind of);
  • Luke you were actually kind of a weak-minded disappointment, very similar to your father;
  • Leia and I (and probably Han and Lando and definitely Chewbacca) love you anyway.
Oh, and Leia's deep-hidden and conflicting love for and resentment of her father from all of the above is probably a piece of what drives her son to the Dark Side. "I will finish what you started" - if you mean breaking your mother's poor heart, then yeah, you did that. GOOD JOB, IDIOT.

(I have way too many feelings when it comes to Star Wars. Just way too many.)

I also have very strong feelings for pumpkin pie, but they're almost all positive feelings. The negative feelings are from a) not having evaporated milk in the house when I have a craving for pumpkin pie and b) the evaporated milk making the pie slop over the sides of the 9" deep dish crust that isn't deep enough apparently, which means burnt pie filling on what should otherwise be a flaky, excellent crust.

It'd be a real shame for something that shallow (get it? shallow? i'll show myself out) to drive me to the Dark Side (make no mistake, I'm already over here, I own real estate on the Dark Side, ready your knights and bring it on), so I accidentally made it all better. With coconut milk. Because coconut milk makes everything better.

(I didn't call it bantha milk or blue milk, be proud of me. I mean, I thought about it and it will probably forever dominate my thoughts, but I didn't give in and went to the light at the last moment Luke please love me forever xoxo Dad).


Alderaan is Aldergone, Pumpkin (pie)


1 30-oz can Libby's pumpkin pie mix
2 eggs
4 oz coconut milk
1 9" deep dish pie crust (I buy frozen because for real I haven't yet learnt to make a pie crust)

  1. Preheat oven to 425*F.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together pumpkin pie mix, eggs, and coconut milk.
  3. Put your pie crust onto a cookie sheet. Trust me.
  4. Dump the pie filling into the crust.
  5. Bake at 425*F for 15 minutes.
  6. Drop the temperature to 350*F and bake for an additional 45-55 minutes (longer than the original recipe wants, please notice)
  7. Allow it to cool completely before serving.

I like it best with a little bit of vanilla ice cream on top, smeared evenly like a frosting. Oh, and if this isn't just the tightest pumpkin pie you've ever had, then you're probably lying. And I will know if you're lying. I can pull anything I want out of your mind. *Kylo Rens some*


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