Dagobah Swamp Scrambled Eggs

I'm going to just hazard the guess that Yoda's not a bad cook and Luke's just not used to food made from plants. Not tropical plants, anyway. Think about it: The boy grew up on Tatooine, where the only plants I'm assuming he had access to were of the succulent variety (think cacti), and then he hung out with Han for a while on the Falcon where they probably ate rations (think Clif bars, but somehow even less palatable and minus the type of physical exertion that makes them taste like mana from heaven), and then he was on Hoth where I'm trying not to think too hard about what they ate (tauntaun steaks anyone?). So of course a good veggie-heavy soup would smell weird to him. I love leafy greens, and even I think spinach-based foods smell weird sometimes.

He's also just kind of a brat and has really awful manners, Jedi or not. I blame the Galactic Empire for killing his foster parents when Luke was only 19. Have you met 19-year-olds? They're the worst.

So in honor of Yoda - who I think is an absolutely TERRIBLE educator, by the way, what the hell is this "there is no try" nonsense? you can't learn unless you try, dimwit - here is a recipe that I'm pretty sure Luke Skywalker would eat, even though it's full of veggies.


Oh! And it makes a freakin' tasty meal if  you serve it alongside Boba Fett Died like a B*tch Brussels Sprouts and Tusken Raider Fries. Low-carb, high tasty, vegetarian, inexpensive, and good for you. Just like Luke Skywalker.

*cough* Yup.

Dagobah Swamp Scrambled Eggs

- 1 1/2 cups frozen spinach
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 5 eggs
- Dollop of milk (probably 2 tbsp?)
- A dash of salt OR 2 tsp soy sauce - use salt if you're going to put ketchup or hot sauce on the eggs, use the soy sauce if you're serving them plain, like over rice or something


  1. Microwave your spinach in a cereal bowl for 2 minutes.
  2. Once that's done, start heating your oil in a small skillet over medium-high heat.
  3. Add the milk and stir with a fork. This will cool the spinach enough to not cook the eggs.
  4. Add the eggs and salt/soysauce.
  5. Whisk with a fork until fluffy.
  6. Dump into the skillet.
  7. Leave it alone until it's started to cook on the sides, maybe 1 or 2 minutes.
  8. Scramble, using a metal spatula or a fork or whatever. I use a spatula 'cause that's what I'm going to serve it with.
  9. Serve as soon as the eggs are as done as you like them. I like them just barely cooked, which I have been informed by my associates is disgusting. The loudest associate eats them that way anyway because deal with it.

Variations we enjoy:
  • Served with cheese and chili, wrapped in a flax wrap
  • Served over rice for lunch when I have otherwise failed to plan what we're going to take to work for lunch
  • Served, as described above, with fries and brussels. Arguably my favorite

If you've done it right, you won't even be able to tell there's spinach in there. VICTORY.


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