Tusken Raider Fries

There's a joke to be made here about Owen and Beru Lars, but it's just ... too soon. Too soon, man.

(Happy headcanon: Those're Stormtrooper skeletons on the doorstep. Owen and Beru escaped and hid in the shadows, helping Luke and the Rebellion. Also Aunt Beru is a badass Jedi who hangs out with Leia on the weekends, telling all of the embarrassing stories she can about Luke as a child.)


Tusken Raider Fries

2-4 red potatoes, scrubbed but NOT peeled
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp dry oregano

- Preheat oven to 420*F. I use my toaster oven and it's all good.
- Slice each potato into quarters, then cut each quarter into quarters so you have what look like fries.
- Toss those into a medium mixing bowl.
- Add the oil, salt, and oregano.
- Using a rubber spatula, toss all that together until it's as even as it's going to get. Don't work too hard.

- Line a baking tray with a silpat and dump the potatoes onto it.
- Use the spatula to scrape any leftover oil/salt/oregano over the potatoes. Waste not want not and all that.
- Arrange the potatoes so that they're one layer thick. They don't have to have space all around them, but they can't be on top of each other at all. If you want REALLY good fries, turn them so that the ones with skin are skin-side down.

- Bake at 420*F for 35-40 minutes, or until golden brown.

Goes great with a Corellian ale and a side of Han Solo smirk!


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