Smoothie (so good it's) Criminal

I accidentally became a vegetarian in May 2014, and where there've been many benefits to that, the best, I think, is that I eat breakfast every single morning now. Never before had I done that, ever, and now I get all cranky if I don't get to have breakfast.

This breakfast, specifically.

(For the record, I ate 320 of these in 2015 and 323 of these in 2016 and as of today, the 19th day in the Year of Our Lord 2017, I've eaten 19. I really, really like this smoothie.)

We have the ingredients written down on a sticky note in the kitchen because making breakfast while half-asleep is just not okay most mornings, but at request I'm putting it here. I'm not picky about my protein powders, so long as they're not wicked high in cholesterol or sugar. I tend to like vanilla the least and chocolate the best and strawberry's okay or whatever, nothing to write home about. Really it's all about the banana and oat flavor, for me, because mmm bananas and oats.

Oh, and if carbs are a thing for you, a single serving of this clocks in around 63g carbs. I'm told that's a good thing.

Smoothie (so good it's) Criminal

For two:
2 cups water
1 cup old-fashioned raw oats
1 cup frozen spinach
1/4 cup pureed pumpkin
1/4 cup fat-free plain yogurt*
2 Tbsp sweetened flake coconut
1 scoop protein powder
2 bananas

For one:
1 cup water
1/2 cup old-fashioned raw oats
1/2 cup frozen spinach
2 Tbsp pureed pumpkin
2 Tbsp fat-free plain yogurt*
1 Tbsp sweetened flake coconut
1/2 scoop protein powder
1 banana

Put it all in a blender and blend it 'til it's smooth, really. I put them into the blender in the order listed here so that the water can be soaking into the oats and thawing the spinach, but whatever, it's a smoothie.

Yeah. That's it. And not a single Star Wars reference sneaked in anywhere, I must be slipping. <sigh>

*Update 07 Nov 2018:  We don't put yogurt into our smoothies anymore.  It didn't seem to be doing any noticeable good for us, physically, and the plastic waste generated was just more than my conscience could handle.


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