Fluffier than Luke's Hair Pancakes

I love pancakes, but man they do not love me back.  Probably because they're nothing but oil and sugar with a bit of processed flour, combined with an egg and fried in butter -- can't imagine why a human stomach might look at that and say, "Uh, no.  Please and thank you no."

But hey, if you eat pancakes with a veggie-heavy smoothie, they won't kill you as much, and that's awesome because it means you get to eat pancakes, which is just how some weekend days need to go.

The name comes from that scene in the original Star Wars where Luke comes into Leia's holding cell aboard the first Death Star and tears off his helmet, declaring in his adorably bratty way, "I'm Luke Skywalker!  I'm here to rescue you!"  It must have been humid on that set (I'm betting from the water in the trash compactor, but try not to think about that too hard) because the way his hair fluffs out all over the goddamn place as he's delivering his heroic line is just more than I can handle.

Oh, and I'm uploading the recipe here because I had it written in sharpie on a piece of cardboard, originally, that walked away into the ether, then on a piece of paper that wandered off to seek its fortunes, and I'm frankly sick of reinventing the delicious, pancake-y wheel.

Fluffier than Luke's Hair Pancakes

1/2 cup Bisquick baking mix
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp sugar

2 tsp vegetable oil (don't use something healthier, these are pancakes)
2 tsp lemon juice (from the bottle is fine, don't be fancy)
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup milk (I used soy and it was fine)
1 egg

Butter for the pan

- Syrup/fruit/nuts topping of your choice.  Chocolate chips work way better here than they should.
- Pulverize 6 oreos and mix them in with the dry ingredients if you want something REALLY indulgent.
- Sub 1/4 cup tinned pumpkin for the egg and maple syrup for the sugar, then add in 1/4 tsp cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg to get pumpkin pie pancakes
- There's a Samoa version listed below.  You're welcome and I'm sorry, in equal measure
- Aaaaand now there's a "Luke Actually Turned to the Dark Side" version down there, too.  I ain't even sorry about this one.

- In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients.
- Add the wet ingredients and whisk it all together until it's smooth.

- Heat a frying pan over high heat for just a few seconds (30 maybe), then drop it to low heat.  This is 3 on my stove (for my reference).

- Swirl butter in the pan to coat the bottom.
- Pour each pancake in scant 1/4 cup amounts into the pan.
- Cook 2 minutes for the first side, then flip and cook 90 seconds on the second side.

This will make 6 pancakes total, which is more than enough for two people for breakfast.  I made a double version of this for breakfast this morning and it was TOO MANY PANCAKES, so now I'm off to pace off the sugar rush and eat my smoothie and pray that I don't pass out in a sugar coma because what on Earth (or Tatooine or Alderaan or Corellia; wherever) was I thinking, making this as a breakfast food?


Edit I: Samoa Cookie Pancakes version

(Make the pancakes as directed above, 'cept use coconut milk instead of any other kind of milk)

1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup butter (half a stick, y'all)
1/2 cup white sugar
2 tsp molasses
Scant 1 oz milk (I use soy and it's fine)
1 tsp vanilla

1/4 cup dark chocolate chips

BEFORE you start your pancakes:

- Toast your coconut on a flat baking sheet.  This can be done at 350*F in the oven, or using a broiler.  I use the broiler in my toaster oven because it's the fastest.
- Take it out when the flakes are starting to brown.

- While the coconut's toasting, melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat.
- Add the sugar and molasses (or use 1/2 cup packed brown sugar, it's the same) and whisk until fluffy, maybe 1 minute to 90 seconds.
- Add the milk and whisk until it starts to boil.
- Boil an additional minute, then remove from heat.
- Add the vanilla and whisk to appreciate the beauty of the thing you have created.
- Dump in the coconut and whisk it around.

- Set that aside on a cooling rack while you make the pancakes.

- As you make your pancakes, layer them up with a healthy dollop (I'm thinking I put 2-3 tbsp?) of the caramel/coconut mixture and sprinkle with 6-10 chocolate chips. Do this for the first two pancakes.

- The last pancake doesn't get any chocolate.  It won't need it, trust me.

Oh, and pour some milk to drink with this stuff, because it's RICH.  Also, disclaimer: These are NOT breakfast pancakes.  At all.  This is DESSERT.  And it's totally worth what your stomach's going to feel like after you eat them.


Edit II: Luke Actually Turned to the Dark Side version

(Make the pancakes as directed above, 'cept use Irish cream instead of milk)
1/4 cup Irish cream (in addition to the 1/4 cup used in the batter)
4 tbsp dark chocolate chips

- While the first pancakes are cooking, heat 1/4 cup Irish cream in the microwave for 30 seconds.
- Dump in the chocolate chips and let them rest for a minute.
- Stir them around to make a ganache.

Smear some of the ganache on each pancake as you layer them up, allowing the ganache to drip over the sides of the top pancake, at least, if not all of them.  This serves way too well with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top, my body weeps.


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