More Than You Can Imagine Homemade Caramel

I love how incredibly stupid Han Solo is.

First, he goes to the homeworld of the gangster who's put a price on his head.  Then, he straight-up murders a dude in broad daylight for trying to collect on that price, and then instead of, I dunno, getting the hell out as fast as he can, he sticks around waiting for some old dude and his snot-nosed Outlands brat buddy to get on his ship, just because they promised they weren't broke.  And then he totally puts his neck on the chopping block to save a princess because the aforementioned broke snot-nosed Outlands brat promised that she's rich, nevermind the fact that the world on which she was rich was just reduced to what Han thought was an asteroid field, which means her assets' value is questionable at best.

He doesn't get any smarter, either.  Bumbles his way through the trilogy like an idiot, gets his dumb ass frozen in carbonite, then doesn't use protection and ends up with a patricidal son.  WHOOPS.

Oh well.  Eating this caramel is probably Han Solo levels of stupid, seeing as it's really not good for you, but just like Han Solo, I'm going to do it anyway, and I'm guessing you will, too.

... I'm sure that last sentence doesn't sound suggestive at all.  Nope.

More Than You Can Imagine Homemade Caramel


1 cup heavy cream
1 stick (1/2 cup, 8 Tbsp) butter
Scant 1 cup white sugar
1 Tbsp molasses
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Warm the cream in the microwave for 30 seconds; set it aside.
  2. In a small saucepan, melt the butter, but don't let it brown.
  3. Add the sugar, molasses, and lemon juice, whisking until they've started to melt.
    1. Note:  You may want to reduce the heat here to medium/medium-low so you don't burn the sugar while you're waiting for it to melt.
  4. Slowly add the cream, whisking the whole time.
  5. Whisk until the whole mess comes to a boil.
  6. Continue whisking with the caramel at a low boil for 3-5 minutes.
    1. Note:  The longer you boil and whisk, the thicker it'll be once it's set up.  For a drizzling caramel, I like 3 minutes.  For a thicker caramel, 5.
  7. Remove the pan from heat and add the vanilla.  Whisk to incorporate.
  8. Pour it into a container, lid it, and refrigerate it at least 3 hours so it can fully cool.
  9. Try really hard not to eat it straight from the container.
  10. Give in and eat it straight from the container.  You can always make more, after all.


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