Mudhorn Eggs

I first discovered this recipe on's YouTube channel, which slated them as Turkish eggs.  However, I'm pretty sure that recipe's an adaptation of authentic Turkish eggs, and since my recipe is an adaptation of that recipe ... yeah.  Not gonna claim it's Turkish until someone tells me I can.  Like someone from Turkey, not just any random yahoo.

That said, this is arguably my favorite way to eat eggs, so good that I'm not even ashamed to admit that I licked my plate clean and scurried upstairs to work out after I ate it, just so I could burn off what I'd just eaten and eat it again.  Gonna be making this a LOT on nights I get home and need dinner NOW, which is pretty cool, because it's shockingly good for you -- low in butter (you need VERY little to get the flavor), has eggs and wheat toast in it, and a generous serving of yogurt.  Everything the body needs!

Mudhorn Eggs


For the yogurt sauce
 7-8 oz plain yogurt, the thicker the better
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 tsp salt
 2 1/2 tsp dry dill

For the butter drizzle
1/2 stick butter
1/4 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp red pepper flakes

For the ... rest?
2 gooey eggs -- sunnyside up/overeasy, soft boiled, poached, etc.
2 English muffins or some sort of bread, toasted

  1. Start toasting your bread.  No trust me on this.
  2. If you're doing soft-boiled eggs, start them soft-boiling here.
  3. In a bowl with a lid, combine the yogurt, minced garlic, salt, and dry dill.  Set aside. 
  4. Start your eggs, unless you're going with soft-boiled.
  5. In a small frying pan, melt the half stick of butter.  Once it's melted and started to sizzle and foam a little bit, remove it from the heat.
  6. Add in the cumin, paprika, and pepper flakes.
  7. Plate the dish: 
    1. Put one piece of toasted bread on a plate
    2. Put the egg on top of that
    3. Pour a few tablespoons of yogurt sauce on the egg
    4. Drizzle with a teaspoon or so of the butter
    5. Serve immediately 
Yeah, you're done.  Easy, right?

For the curious, the way I devour this dish is to dig into the egg with my second slice of toast, then after I've made a giant mess, eat the rest with the second slice of toast (which is now soaked through with tasty things).

Oh, I'm also thinking about doubling the butter recipe, 'cause it keeps well in the 'fridge and melts in like 15 seconds in the microwave so ... why not?

And finally, this dish is light on veggies as it is, so this is probably a good time to mention that it goes great with a side of roasted broccoli.  Yum.

(P.P.P.S. I need season II of The Mandalorian right now, please and thank you, that show is my jam.)


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