Wedding Cake on Yavin IV
One of the more entertaining exercises in which a fan of Star Wars can engage is to quietly comment to a bunch of Very Manly Men with Gatekeeping Tendencies where Star Wars is concerned that Chewbacca didn't get a medal at the end of the original Star Wars because those weren't medals, they were the Star Wars equivalent of wedding rings, and the Throne Room theme is actually a wedding processional. Chewie's the obvious correct choice for best man, and why wouldn't Leia officiate? She's very official. (The sputtering, blustering, "that is NOT what's going on" insisting that results is absolutely hysterical -- because what's it matter? It's a fictional story about space wizards and laser swords. Calm down everybody.) Side-note: that Throne Room Theme is a wonderful processional. Have your own processional picked out if you're having me officiate your nuptials, because if you don't, that's what you're comi...