Rule the Galaxy (as cookies and milk)
So there's this awesome fan theory out there that Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker isn't actually Luke's father, that Obi-wan Kenobi was actually his father, and it makes watching the prequels ... well, still a really bad idea, but it makes the orig-trig all kinds of fascinating to rewatch. I mean, they're already fun to rewatch mostly because Mark Hamill's in them but this adds an undercurrent of flavor. A hint of darkness, you might say. Much like the espresso in these cookies. By now, you've probably encountered cookies made using boxed cake mix , which is just the loveliest of easy cookie recipes out there, and this one is very similar to it, save that it uses espresso powder and butter and kind of accidentally gives you chewy Oreos you can make at home whenever you want . And that's just plain exciting. So join me in making these cookies, and together we will rule the galaxy as ... fat and sugar and oh god someone save me from these cookies they...