Chocolate Chi(ck)p(ea) Cookies
I do love a good challenge, and making things that are a) vegan, b) gluten-free, and c) still delicious is one of my favorite challenges out there. I originally started adapting this recipe so I could bake for a vegan colleague, but then I found out that he's allergic to both peanuts and chickpeas, so that's me back to the drawing board for him, but as a nice side-effect, I now have a recipe for AMAZING chocolate chip cookies that are approximately 200% less a pain in my ass than regular chocolate chip cookies. And they're full of chickpeas and peanut butter, so they're ... actually sort of good for you? Will wonders never cease. The only real difference between these and the usual chocolate chip cookies of the world is that they're not at all improved by dipping them in milk (I personally like them better with a cup of unsweetened green tea than I do with a cup of milk) and they're better cooled than warm straight from the oven. They're also irresi...