Now That's Just Sorcery Green Smoothie
I'm rather a fan of smoothies, but they're always kind of ... harsh, somehow. Almost like they're chemically burning my throat, I suppose. And they're so cold . Which I know is rather the point, but I don't like cold things, especially not cold things that say "This is a chemical burn" in Tyler Durden's voice while they're turning my throat into an episode of Game of Thrones that spends too much time focused on Jon and Sam. This smoothie is almost 100% identical to the recipe from Oh She Glows (my colleague loaned me the Oh She Glows cookbook in exchange for pie, in case anyone's curious why I'm suddenly so obsessed with her recipes) but it has my twists to it, mostly brought on by the fact that I purchased a ridiculous number of Just Barley powdered green barley uh ... three years ago, and until today hadn't found a way to drink it that didn't involve way, WAY too much sugar. Like I'd only drink it if it were made with t...