The World is your Oyster Mushroom Salad

Funny story for you. Thursday, we ran out of fresh salad greens, so we popped by the grocery and picked up two big tubs of greens. Saturday, our farm share portion arrived, containing a smaller-but-still-substantial tub of fresh greens, and a smaller-but-spicier tub of microgreens. Sunday, I drove my partner to the airport so he could go see his grandfather, who had had a stroke and was in need of family to keep him distracted from hating his physical therapist. Which meant that I was facing a week alone with what measured out to approximately one (1) metric fuck-tonne of fresh greens. Like, enough that it would be PLENTY for two people. I am one people. You may see where this would cause concern. Except not for me! I've totally got this. "I'll just eat salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the whole week you're gone!" I announced to my partner, who looked at me like that was the worst thing he could imagine. "Either I'll be the healt...